Further and Continuing Education
Since 2003 we have been offering further and continuing education courses for various professional groups (doctors, pediatric nurses, psychologists) in the areas of children’s and adolescents’ pain therapy and pediatric palliative care. Our further qualifying courses are taught with a great variety of adult training methods. “Theory-practice-transfer” is an important part of our further training concept. All courses place great importance on theoretical instruction as well as practical aspects and problem solving. Our experienced consultants work out solutions with course participants that are informed by evidence-based knowledge and corresponding guidelines for high-quality practice (“best practice”). All of our courses are scientifically evaluated in order to guarantee their quality. Our further and continuing education courses have the goal of attaining the highest possible quality of life for families affected by chronic pain.
The German brochure with Further and Continuing Education Courses 2020 can be downloaded.
Contact person further and continuing education
For more information regarding the offered courses please contact Miriam Kasprzak or Senay Kaldirim-Celik.
Miriam Kasprzak
phone: +49 (0) 2363 975-766
Datteln Children’s Pain Day
Every two years, the “Datteln Children’s Pain Days” congress takes place. The 11th congress will be held in 2024. This multiprofessional congress for children’s pain therapy and paediatric palliative care offers a wide range of scientific and practice-oriented programming to paediatricians, health and paediatric nurses, psychologists and psychosocial employees.
Interested professionals and volunteers can attend the congress to learn how to better understand and properly assess children’s pain and paediatric palliative care, as well as to provide therapy more efficiently.
We are happy to announce that the 11th “Datteln Children’s Pain Days” will take place from March 14th–16th, 2024. The theme is “human, sustainable, digital". It is again an international congress in cooperation with partners from Austria, Italy, Hungary, the Netherlands and Switzerland.
More information can be found here:
Multiprofessional Pain Conference
The 4-weekly interdisciplinary pain conferences offer a platform for interdisciplinary exchange with case histories, information about diagnostic procedures and pain therapeutic strategies.
Contact person psychological further and continuing education
Dr. Michael Dobe (Dipl.-Psych., Children’s and Adolescents’ Psychotherapist) is the German Paediatric Pain Centre’s contact person for all questions relating to further and continuing education in psychological children’s pain therapy.
Contact: m.dobe@kinderklinik-datteln.de
Further information on open seminars for psychotherapists can be found on the following page: