18-year-old girl
“In Datteln you learned not only how to deal with pain but also to be cheerful again. ...” [more]
18-year-old boy
“...I’m so glad that I’m pain free.” [more]
18-year-old girl
“I’ve got my pain under control by always using the techniques; it’s always helped and still helps today at home.” [more]
17-year-old girl
“Datteln is different, I would say. ...You don’t feel sick there, not as if you are worthless and no one wants you. For the first time you get the feeling that your pain isn’t your fault. ...” [more]
17-year-old girl
“Looking back, it’s clear to me that Datteln was the best thing that could have happened to me. I’ve changed my life and my outlook completely, have learned not to let my pain get me down and got to know really great people.” [more]
17-year-old girl
“It’s very simple to get your pain under control if you know how. And in the clinic I learned how to do it. ...” [more]
15-year-old girl
“Every time I have abdominal pain I know how to control it better. ...“ [more]
14-year-old girl
“I have never thought it possible that my chronic abdominal pain would ever end, but I definitely wanted to manage it, and I have. ...” [more]
14-year-old boy
“I have learned that I have to keep going and must not give up.” [more]
12-year-old girl
“The time in Datteln just showed me that I wasn’t imagining anything. Bit by bit I’ve gotten rid of my pain. ...” [more]