14-year-old boy
My name is Niklas and I’m 14 years old. I used to have regular headaches, two to three times a week. I tried just about everything for them. They started when I was in kindergarten and kept getting worse until I threw up. I often lay in bed for one to three days. I went to all sorts of doctors. But they only ever prescribed medication that never had any result. Besides, almost everywhere I went I always received a headache diary that I filled out, but they never really looked at them. I also tried out many alternative treatments.
My parents came upon the Vestische Children’s and Adolescents’ Clinic Datteln by accident. In the clinic I had to try to work against my headaches and untrain my “trained tension-type headache”. I had to continue with my normal daily life as much as possible. That was always very difficult, and still is, not to lie down when I had a bad headache and had to throw up. That was a hard time, but in any case it was worth it. My family supported me through these times and always kept motivating me to keep going. I still have headaches today, but far less and mostly without vomiting and only for one day. I can go to school regularly again and also to my free time activities.